Key Information for Financial Institutions and Business Partners

  • Correspondent Accounts (Nostro)

    Main "NOSTRO" correspondent accounts updated on February 14, 2024

    Joint-stock company "MTBank" ( JSC "MTBank")

    №  Currency Correspondent Account Correspondent bank Address SWIFT
    1 PLN  PL94102000161201110000005802  PKO Bank Polski S.A.  15 Pulawska str, 02-515 Warsaw, Poland  BPKOPLPW 
    2 CNY 15601012320890001890 Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank Co., Ltd Chouyin Mansion, No. 158 Wangchao Road, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. Zip:310000 CZCBCN2X
    3 KZT** KZ31998AKB0000000710 JSC «First Heartland Jusan Bank» Kazakhstan, Almaty, Medeuskiy District, A26F8T9, Nursultan Nasarbaev Av., building 242 TSESKZKA

    To obtain the information about the bank's correspondent accounts in USD, EUR and other currencies, please call the contact center or contact your personal manager.

    * For payments in Russian rubles TIN/KPP JSC "MTBank" - 9909097317/772287001

    ** Rules for processing payments in the KZT.doc

  • FX and MM Transactions

    JSC “MTBank” is an active participant of FX market. The Bank makes FX TOD, TOM, SPOT, SWAP and Forward deals with banks-counterparties via Reuters FXTrading and other platforms.

    MTBank is also one of the most active participants of Belarusian Currency Stock Exchange in the currency section. Besides, FX market, Money Market is an important issue in the Bank's activity. MTBank lends to and borrows money from banks-counterparties.

    Our dealing code is the following:

    • Refinitiv (Reuters) code - MTBB


    Head of Treasury: Mr. Yury Hniatniou
    +375 17 229 99 21

    Deputy Head of Treasury: Mr. Arthur Lisov
    +375 17 229 98 12

    Head of FX and MM Desk: Mr. Kirill Egorov
    +375 17 229 99 20

  • Brokerage Services

    Tel.: +375 17 229 99 13

    Tel.: +375 17 229 98 13


  • Trade Finance/Documentary Operations

    MTBank provides the following trade finance and documentary business services to banks:

    1. Letter of credit confirmation

    MTBank could add its confirmation under a letter of credit issued by domestic or by foreign bank:

    • within a credit line established for an issuing or reimbursing bank; or
    • on cash-cover basis.

    2. Advising of letters of credit and guarantees

    MTbank is constantly increasing its corporate customer base and prepared to advise letters of credit and guarantees to its corporate clients.

    3. Discounting and post-financing under letters of credit

    MTBank is able to provide post-financing or discounting (prepayment) under letters of credit available by deferred payment, issued in favor of its clients (both residents and non-residents)

    4. Issuance of guarantees

    MTBank offers guarantee issuance by order of banks (residents or non-residents):

    • within a credit line established for a counter-guarantor; or
    • on cash-cover basis
